Acupuncture 针灸 Treatment
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment that relieves pain and treats diseases by restoring energy flow in the body. While a typical acupuncture treatment involves inserting hair-thin needles into specific points on the body to elicit a healing response. The thin, sterilized, disposable needles further cause only a slight tingling sensation.
The acupuncture points are mostly located along the meridians through which Qi flows. Because, acupuncture moves this energy by techniques of ascending, descending, reinforcing, reducing, warming, and clearing to create the desired response.
While each treatment lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Because acupuncture uses heat stimulation and cupping with the needles to boost healing efficacy.
Acupuncture: Relieve your aches and pains.
Don’t let stress, insomnia, or chronic pain get in the way of your life.
Acupuncture involves inserting thin, sterile needles into your body to stimulate specific acupoints. Furthermore, it is based on the TCM concept that energy Qi, circulates throughout our body along energy pathways called meridians. Each meridian connects to a specific organ system and has important stimulation points situated along it, called acupoints.
Let our TCM physicians create a personalized treatment plan while restoring your internal balance and health.
A health examination will assess your problem areas. Afterward, our TCM physician will recommend one session of acupuncture to improve your overall health during the consultation.
What is Acupuncture?
In acupuncture, the practitioner inserts sterile, hair-thin needles into "acupuncture points" on the skin. Furthermore, gently moves them.
Researchers propose that acupuncture stimulates the nervous system to release natural painkillers and immune system cells. They then travel to weakened areas of the body and relieve symptoms. While studies show that acupuncture may:
- Help relieve fatigue
- Control hot flashes
- Help decrease nausea
- Reduce vomiting
- Lessen pain
Acupuncture is a central part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), an ancient system of medicine. Moreover, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, vital energy (Qi) flows through 20 meridians connected by acupuncture points. According to TCM, blocked qi prevents the body from functioning at its peak. While the goal of acupuncture is to open certain points on these pathways and release blocked qi.
What Are the Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment?
Acupuncture benefits include relief from long-term (chronic) pain and other health conditions. Many people use acupuncture to relieve pain throughout their body, including migraines, back pain, and arthritis.
- Acupuncture benefits also include the following:
- Promotes holistic health and well-being
- Relieves pain as well as aches caused by various health conditions
- Supports a healthy digestive system and weight management
- Helps address stress, chronic fatigue, and insomnia
How Does Acupuncture Work?
TCM says health comes from a balance of yin and yang, the complementary extremes of Qi (pronounced "chi"). Advocates also believe that illness is the consequence of an imbalance of these forces.
According to TCM, Qi flows through meridians, or pathways, in the human body. While these meridians and energy flows are accessible through 361 acupuncture points in the body. Also, inserting needles into these points with appropriate combinations will bring the energy flow back into balance.
Many acupuncture points are at sites where stimulation can affect the activity of multiple sensory neurons. We also call these sites receptive fields.
Needle insertion may affect pain processing in the central nervous system, muscles and increase blood flow.
What Does Acupuncture Do to Your Body?
Acupuncture helps with numerous conditions and symptoms. Here are just a few:
- Low Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Knee Pain
- Headache
- Allergies
- Anxiety and depression
- Chronic Pain often in the neck, back, knees, and head
- Hypertension
- Insomnia
- Menstrual cramps and PMS
- Migraines
- Morning Sickness
- Sprains
- Strokes
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
You may feel a small prick with each needle. It’s less painful than the feeling when you get a vaccine, ant bite, or blood draw. Acupuncture needles are much thinner than medical needles, and they’re solid, not hollow.
The needles may cause some muscle sensations, such as dull aches or tingling. Your practitioner will ask you to report when you feel a deep heaviness or numbness. Those sensations usually mean the treatment is working.
What Are the Risks or Complications This Treatment?
When a qualified professional performs acupuncture, it has very few complications or side effects.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates acupuncture needles. The agency requires that all needles be steel, solid, sterile, nontoxic, and properly labeled. Only qualified professionals may use acupuncture needles. After one use, practitioners throw the needles away.
Receiving acupuncture from unqualified practitioners can be harmful. An untrained provider or one who uses nonsterile needles can cause infections, organ punctures, and central nervous system injuries.
Why Do I Need a Consultation First for This Treatment in Singapore?
We start with a free consultation to ensure you choose the right treatment and answer all your questions.
During this session, an experienced TCM physician will listen to your concerns and discuss your needs and expectations.
After a detailed examination, the TCM physician will determine a treatment plan suitable for your conditions. The recommended treatment plan may include one or more TCM and/or wellness treatments, depending on your needs.
Results may vary with individuals.
During Your Acupuncture Session
At the start, your acupuncturist will explain the focus area and if you need to remove any clothing. You will lie on a padded table during treatment.
During the session, your acupuncturist will insert several hair-thin needles in strategic locations. Most people feel only a mild sensation. Your acupuncturist may move the needles gently, sometimes using heat and electrical stimulation to enhance therapy.
After about 20 minutes, your acupuncturist will remove the needles and dispose of them immediately.
Many people report excellent results and many acupuncture benefits, but acupuncture doesn’t work for everyone.
How Much Does It Cost To Have Acupuncture?
Acupuncture Price | Trial Price | Usual Price | Duration of Treatment |
Acupuncture Price Singapore | $95.04 | $181.44 | 30 minutes |
FAQs About Acupuncture
How often should I get acupuncture treatments?
The number of treatments depends on your condition, its severity and how your body responds. Most people have an appointment once a week. Others get treatment more or less often, depending on how long the effects last. Your acupuncturist will recommend a schedule that’s right for you.
You may not get the full benefits of acupuncture on the first or second treatment. If you decide to try acupuncture, you should give it at least five treatments.
Will I need any other treatments besides acupuncture?
Don’t use acupuncture to delay seeing a medical healthcare provider about a health problem. In most cases, people use acupuncture along with other treatments. For example, someone with chronic pain will likely take medications and also get acupuncture.
You should continue taking your prescribed medications, no matter how good acupuncture makes you feel.
Dry needling vs. acupuncture – what’s the difference?
Acupuncture is similar to dry needling, but it’s not the same procedure. Both involve the use of needles, but that’s where the similarities end.
Acupuncture is based in Eastern medicine, and licensed acupuncturists perform it. Dry needling is based in Western medicine and healthcare providers such as physical therapists perform it.
Acupuncture treats musculoskeletal pain and other body systems. Physical therapists usually use dry needling as part of a broader physical therapy approach that includes other treatments.
How does cupping treatment feel?
Cupping treatment is very relaxing and generally not painful. The sensation that is experienced is a pulling of the skin as the cup is moved in a rolling fashion. Redness or a feeling of warmth is usually experienced after the release of the cup due to increase blood flow to the area.