How to Sleep After Eyebrow Embroidery for Best Results | Chrysalis

How to Sleep After Eyebrow Embroidery for Best Results


How to Sleep After Eyebrow Embroidery for Best Results

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for healing after eyebrow embroidery, but it’s important to take specific steps to ensure your brows heal properly. Here’s how to sleep after your procedure to achieve the best results.


1. Sleep on Your Back

Tip: To avoid pressing on your brows, sleep on your back with your head elevated. This position reduces the risk of smudging or disturbing the healing area.

Why It Helps: Sleeping on your back minimizes direct contact with the brow area, preventing pressure and friction that could affect the healing process.


2. Use a Clean Pillowcase

Tip: Ensure that your pillowcase is clean and free from bacteria. Consider using a fresh, soft pillowcase each night during the healing period.

Why It Helps: A clean pillowcase reduces the risk of transferring bacteria to your brows and helps maintain a sanitary environment for healing.


3. Avoid Face-Down Sleeping

Tip: Avoid sleeping face-down or pressing your face into the pillow. If you’re a side sleeper, use a pillow to prop yourself into a more back-leaning position.

Why It Helps: Face-down sleeping can cause pressure on your brows, leading to potential smudging or irritation.


4. Protect Your Brows

Tip: Consider using a clean, breathable bandage or gauze to cover your brows while sleeping if recommended by your technician.

Why It Helps: Covering your brows can provide an extra layer of protection and prevent accidental contact with bedding.


5. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Tip: Ensure you get sufficient rest each night to support the healing process. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.

Why It Helps: Quality sleep promotes overall skin health and supports the healing process, ensuring your brows heal efficiently.



Proper sleep practices are crucial for the successful healing of your eyebrow embroidery. By following these tips, you can avoid complications and ensure that your brows heal beautifully and maintain their perfect appearance.


FAQs About How to Sleep After Eyebrow Embroidery for Best Results

1. How long should I avoid sleeping face-down after the procedure?
Avoid sleeping face-down for at least 1-2 weeks to prevent disturbing the healing area.

2. Can I use a silk pillowcase to protect my brows?
A silk pillowcase can be a gentle option, but ensure it is clean and free from any potential irritants.

3. Is it okay to sleep with my face pressed into the pillow?
No, avoid sleeping with your face pressed into the pillow to prevent pressure on your brows.

4. How can I make sure my pillowcase is clean?
Change your pillowcase frequently during the healing period and wash it with a mild detergent.

5. What should I do if I accidentally press on my brows while sleeping?
Gently clean the area with a damp cloth and follow your technician’s aftercare instructions to address any potential issues.
